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Blood-stained Timber (Greenpeace)

Forest defenders, who are residents of reserves in Rondônia, live under continuous threats for counteracting the interests of a lucrative and devastating supply chain based on illegal logging in the Amazon rainforest.

Da Seiva ao Sangue
Da Seiva ao Sangue: Giselda Pilker
Da Seiva ao Sangue: Ederson Dias
Da Seiva ao Sangue: Antônio Fernandes
Avaaz - #IAMazonia - Our Mother is on Fire
Avaaz - #IAMazonia - Fight like an Amazon girl

Matilde (Equal Times)

Short doc about the waste picker Matilde, who worked at a dump for over 20 years and now manages a cooperative. It was made for Equal Times, a news organisation affiliated with the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) and TUCA (Trade Union Confederation of the Americas).

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#IAMazonia (Avaaz)

Videos for the campaign #IAMazonia.

Giovanna Ewbank e Bruno Gagliasso sobrevoam queimadas na Amazônia
Dia Mundial Sem Carro em Recife
Chega de Agrotóxicos - Paola Carosella
Juventude Solar
Acampamento Terra Livre 2019
A Grande Marcha
ECOA: Nosso Mangue (Itapissuma, PE)
ECOA: Novas Raízes (Juruti, PA)
ECOA: Tesouro Verde (São Luís, MA)
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